Here is a little snippet that shows how to extend Mouse (lightweight version of Moose) with Try::Tiny for better exception handling.
Here would be your application class:
package MyApp::Mouse;
use Mouse ();
use Mouse::Exporter;
use Try::Tiny;
as_is => [qw[try catch finally]],
also => 'Mouse'
Then you simply use MyApp::Mouse in place of the Mouse module for your classes:
package Foo;
use MyApp:::Mouse;
sub t {
my ($self,$d) = @_;
my $v = try {
die "testing" if $d;
} catch {
return $v;
A simple test?
package Foo;
~$ perl -Mfeature=:5.12 -MFoo -e say Foo->new->t;
Of course this recipe works with Moose, simply replace the Mouse namespace with the Moose namespace and your in business.